Tag Archives: geneaology

Marra Family Reunions

I’m editing and reviewing several movies taken at Marra Family Reunions. I’m finding they are very long, a little boring at times, and I hear a lot of laughter! They are also extremely large files and I’m not sure how to share them yet.

During the 1980s and 1990s we held Marra Reunions every couple of years. The Marra brothers would take turns hosting the reunions, so you may remember being at Louis and Mary’s house or Pat and Jenny’s house. All were welcome, all ages, cousins and more. I remember games of bocci, more food than we could ever eat, and small groups that gathered, caught up on each other’s lives, and again, laughed a lot.

1999 was a special year. Pat & Jenny’s 50th Anniversary Party was held one day and the Marra Reunion the next. So that year, we also had some of Jenny’s family present. That year, the Reunion was held at a park because of the number of people.

I had my GENEAOLOGY notebook, with a page for every family and I went around talking to everyone, making sure I had birth dates, wedding anniversaries, and any memories that were recalled all written on the pages. That developed into an ancestry.com family tree which you can visit and explore. The only birth dates you can see are for those that have passed away, so privacy is maintained. Shannon Orr has been adding and updating a lot of information as well the last few years. Stop by and explore your heritage! Becky Jane Davis Family Tree has 5,700+ people in it now! Not all are Marras, as we continue to spread out and find lost cousins and other relatives every day. [Note: to see the family tree, you need an ancestry account. If you have an account, login and you will be sent to the tree Becky and Shannon are working on. If you don’t have an account, you can create a free one, and then you can see the family tree. If you are active on ancestry, and want to be able to add information, contact Becky and she will invite you to share and edit the content. Or you can add people from the tree to your personal tree.]

What started this post was seeing a photo — all the Marras at the 1999 Marra Family Reunion!

1999 Marra Family Reunion Portrait